Top 7 measures to be taken to cope up with depression

Dr. Rakesh Kumar
6 min readNov 13, 2021

Depression is a very common human susceptibility nowadays. People often sink into a depressing mood when their physical or mental needs are not handled adequately. This might happen due to any traumatic event that happened in one’s life. It has been scientifically proven that depression is not caused by any chemical reaction in the brain, rather it is triggered mainly due to faulty mood regulations, any medical issue, stressful events in life, medication, genetic vulnerability.

People often misunderstand their loneliness and sadness as depression. But being depressed usually follow some series of symptoms daily or weekly or might be more.

● Depressing mood

● A sleeping problem like either sleeping too much or too little

● Feeling low and fatigued all the time

● Now self care

● Weak concentration power

● Low appetite

● Feeling of anxiety and having panic attacks

● Changed behavior or suicidal thoughts

If any person experiences any of the above-mentioned 4 to 5 symptoms then he or she is suffering from depression. This might drain all of the energy from your body which will tend to make you feel empty from within. However, there are certain remedies that you can follow and come out of depression.

Also, if you are on certain medications for a long time and have still not been able to cure your depression then you would be delighted to know that we have launched a new therapy called TMS therapy. Mind brain TMS Institute is a non-medication process doctor uses to get rid of depression There are two branch one is USA Las Vegas and another is Delhi for TMS Therapy and its a best therapy for depression.

best therapy for depression

Here are certain measures that you can adapt to cope up with your depression in a positive and much healthier way.

1. Be conscious of when you are feeling depressed:

Self analyzation is the first step towards dealing with depression. Years back, it was not normal or common for people to talk about their depression and to accept that they are depressed openly in front of others. Sometimes, people don’t even realize what they are going through or sometimes it’s just embarrassing.

But now, our society is normalizing, people have started talking about their stories of depression, their feelings, and experiences comfortably. This has gained a lot of hype when it became a commonly talked about topic for celebrities on social media and with the press.

So before you take any measures or actions to deal with your depression, it is necessary to accept what you are dealing with.

2. Learn to choose positivity over negativity:

Your environment and surrounding is the key factor in determining how fast you can cope up with your depression. In our surrounding there are multiple people, some are positive people while some have negative vibes. If you are dealing with depression then it is very essential for you to always be around people who give you positive vibes and bring positivity to your life.

It is not always that you will have a non-hostile environment surrounding you, if any situation occurs then you have to deal with the circumstances and find the solution to it rather than just walking away from any hostile environment. This will build strength in you to fight with any situation courageously.

3. Seek for therapy:

It’s a fact that therapy is very expensive and might be time-consuming but it’s also true that getting good therapy is worth it when dealing with depression. Once you have a good therapist then it will be the biggest support for you in learning your emotions on your own. Also, you will be able to know yourself more by indulging in yourself.

Yes, it might take time but you will get a good result in the end and you will be able to express your emotions and feelings without being judgmental. Keep in mind change is obvious but it will not happen overnight.

If you are suffering from chronic depression, and you find anti-depressant pills and psychotherapy sessions useless as they are not improving your best treatment for depression then you have an option for Mind brain TMS therapy that is fast gaining traction in developed countries and is now available in India as well.

4. Express by writing:

Sometimes expressing your thoughts on paper might heal you and help you deal with your depression. Journalize your thoughts and feelings on paper to know what and how you feel in that particular moment.

Depression might come and go for some moment so writing your emotions at that particular moment will help you analyze what’s going on in your life. It will also give you clarity of thought about why you were depressed at that moment and you can take out ways to deal with it calmly.

5. Expressing your feelings is a must:

Journalising your feelings on paper is far different than verbally sharing your feelings and emotions with others. It’s really hard for people to share their feelings with others when in depression. They believe that people might not understand what they are going through and they tend to keep all the feelings and emotions within themselves.

But communicating your feelings with someone might heal your depression and prove to be therapeutic. So learn t0o express rather than hold it in.

6. Exercise:

This might freak you out as exercising could feel intimidating for most. And, during a depressing mood, it would be insane for someone to ask for a workout, yoga, or any form of exercise.

It might take a lot of motivation and courage to get up and start with the exercise but its results are phenomenal. As you feel a lot better about yourself once you are done with the exercise.

Any form of exercise will help you release your emotions and will also help you boost up your mental and physical health which is much needed at the time of depression. Even if you do not want to exercise, it’s ok. You can just wake up from your place and have a walk and that would be enough.

During the depression, people adopt a habit of laziness and they spend their time resting or sleeping in just one position for hours and hours. By just moving from your place will help you and with time you will generate your stamina.

7. Socializing:

It’s necessary to socialize with other people when needed as it will help you distract from your deep thinking and depression and also for a time being it will help you boost up your emotions.

Mind brain TMS Neurocare:

Depression is a medical illness that can be cured with time and patience. It is estimated that over 56 million people are suffering from depression in India. It is really difficult to cope up with depression and is time-consuming but if taken proper care and followed the necessary remedies to cope up with your depression then trust is you will be out of depression very soon.

Mind brain TMS is the first clinical brand that has been launched in Delhi and in the next 6 months, it will be open in Mumbai and Banglore. This is the therapy in which doctors make use of electromagnetic fields near the skull in your brain and treat your depression effectively.

If you have been on anti-depressant pills for a long time and have seen no improvement then go for Mind brain TMS therapy and get your depression cured soon.



Dr. Rakesh Kumar

We are a USA based healthcare organization which has extensive expertise and experience in treating mental health conditions using TMS